DIY Marble Ornaments
If you want a super easy Christmas craft that little kids can help do, these painted marble ornaments are SO much fun! I did them with my daughter and she had a blast swirling the colors around. Here are the supplies you will need:
1) Plain Wooden Ornaments 2) Craft Paint 3) Toothpicks 4) Clear Satin Lacquer 5) Ribbon
I started by pouring a bunch of white craft paint onto a paper plate. Then, my daughter helped me add drops of different colors around the white. Using colors in the same color family creates the best result, so you don’t get any browns or grays from odd color mixing. Get you a color wheel and learn some color theory! Then, we used toothpicks to swirl the colors around. This was my daughter’s FAVORITE part!
Once your colors are well swirled, you simply take the plain wooden ornaments and press them down onto the marbled paint. I didn’t push down too far, just enough to cover the front of the shape. Then I lifted them straight up, and left them on another paper plate to dry overnight. Make sure you pop any bubbles with another clean toothpick. You can also keep using the paint for a few more ornaments if the swirling still looks pretty!
After the fronts were good and dry, I used a complimentary color to paint the sides. They aren’t perfect and I just freehanded them, but I kind of like the imperfect look of homemade ornaments.
After the sides were dry, I went ahead and sealed everything with a clear satin lacquer. This will hopefully keep the paint from chipping and it just gives it a nice clean finish!
After the finish was dry, I tied little bows around the tops, and then they were ready to hang on the tree! We had so much fun making these, and I encourage you to try them too! Nothing beats handmade ornaments and an activity that keeps the kiddos busy, especially this year!
Let me know if you try to make these! I’d love to see how yours turn out! Happy marbling!